On behalf of Carver Community Center we send many thanks to Meijer for being a great community partner. Your donation helps Carver carry out its mission and continue to provide programs for the youth in our community!
Check out our new promotional video: WE ARE CARVER. Produced by Mike Glassburn of Glassburn Films. Taylor High School students wind down by playing basketball and chatting after a hard day of working. Students joined us at Carver to weed the fence, paint benches, clean up around the area, and paint our new treasure chest. From 9-11:30, students worked hard and then enjoyed a bit of time in our gym.
Thanks to Taylor Schools for encouraging our youth to participate in community service! Carver Center boxers, Yahsin Arrington and Elijah Merriweather take another win at the Ced's Boxing Show in Indianapolis, Indiana. In 3-one minute rounds, these amazing young men won by unanimous decision. Join these talented fighters on Saturday, August 25 at Carver Community Center as we showcase their skills and talents along with several other boxers from around the state. You can purchase tickets now by visiting us at 1030 N. Purdum or by clicking the button below. Congratulations boys!
Belle Tire shared a generous donation with Carver Community Center on August 9, 2018. The donation will go towards updates on computer systems to help Carver kids. Ray Turner, Jr., Director of Retail Operations and Nick Parton, Manager, presented the check to Dantá Rogers, Executive Director. Angela Boyd Huston, Board Member and Janie Young, Advisory Board Member, joined in the celebration.